It is at the Beaux Arts School that Patrice Jeener specializes
in copperplate engraving. The particular interest he shows for curves becomes
established after a visit at the Palais de la Découverte, in Paris,
in front of models of varied surfaces. Then he begins to study ruled surfaces,
then third and fourth degree algebraic surfaces and he buries himself in
the study of the theory of surfaces (in this instance the Darboux 's reference
book : 4 volumes and only one photographic illustration representing a
plaster molding of such a surface ...). At least in 1980 he discovers the
possibilities offered by the computer means. He is the regular guest of
prestigious scientific communities. The exhibitions he realises notably
at the French Ecole Polytechnique in 1981, 1985, 1989 and 1993 enable him
to confirm the validity of his theorical works. Ther he presents too the
interest and the beauty of graphic representations of objects with mathematical
characters to an audience of mathematicians : minimal surfaces, magnetic-fields
forces lines, fractal objects, tree-diagrams.
with 12 movements
Patrice Jeener, "Espaces gravés", Cedic Nathan,
distribution: A. C. L. Editions
- BP 111 - 75223 Paris cédex 05
To contact Patrice Jeener
Patrice JEENER
49, Grand Rue
26 470 La Motte Chalancon
Tel : 04 75 27 20 76