Anthony N. Judge is the I.U.A general secretary l'U.I.A., Bruxelles (International union of associations)and the author notably of a powerful work about polyhedrons and transdisciplinarity.
"This explorations starts from the urgent need to come to a global and and comprehensible view of the diversity of disciplinary prospects required by the world crisis... The basic question is how to go out from the linear quality of inter-disciplinary thoughts ? Is there not here a metaphoric language hidden in the use of geometrical terms in the development of arguments: points, line, center, etc.? In that case, do we run the risk of being tricked by metaphores without making the most of richer metaphores in the same series : surface, volume, polyhedrons ? (...)
One of the merits of this approach is to demonstrate that contradictions and correspondences between conceptually "discontinuous" concerns could find a stable reconciliation only in a three-dimensional construction... That are "useful" links which vouch for global stability."
A.N. Judge, "Transdisciplinarity and volumes: the articulation of relationships between idems with the help of polyhedrons", proceedings of International congress.of U I T F, Rennes, december 1992.
A.N. Judge, "Transdisciplinarity and volumes: the articulation of relationships between idems with the help of polyhedrons", proceedings of International congress.of U I T F, Rennes, december 1992.
construction of a icosidodecahedron
(Transnational associations, may 1978).
Let's cite too by A. N. Judge :
"A lesson in organization from building design - transcending duality through tensional integrity", Transnational associations, mai 1978, Bruxelles.
The I.U.A. publishes the transnational associations magazine with an annual catalogue.
"The transnational associations main reason is to contribute to the life and the development of the associations complex network, in its structures as well in its functionning. This mensual magazine contains news, studies, statistics, specific informations about the actvities of these associations, their congresses and their meetings. And also articles, columns relating to the interests common to associations."
L'U.I.A. a édité en 1994: "Encyclopedia of world problems and human potentials".