The Notre Dame Rose

By Felicien

available in french at :
The Editions EECM
B. P. 28
1200 Bruxelles 20

"LA ROSE DE NOSTRE DAME" : Price : 110 ffrs - Postage : 22 ffrs

To Editions EECM

During these very last years, some small groups of men started watching the world in a new light. Like a novel, a work "LA ROSE DE NOTRE DAME" tells the conscience realization of a handfull of men united in the same vocation. The author of this novel intends to let us share in some knowledges that common mortals do not even suspect. These monks humbly say that GOD handed these knowledges down to share them with the most large number of people.


The inventor of the cathedrals rose started drawing roses like recently many people do. Why would not you ? First it was the rose of the religious buildings in Paris. The most elementary is a 10 pointed Rose. Then starting from the great works, he could draw a 13 pointed Rose with as center the Louvre Pyramid.

    Currently there is a lot of talk about the knights in the Middle Ages with many details about their initiation. It's worth pointing out that it was not so much an initiation but a dubbing and that the knight officially devoted himself to the Virgin Mary.
    "Notre Dame veillez que je devienne pas parjure. Pour Dieu et ma Dame".