Grenier à Sons
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An eclectic programming permitted to 50 groups of producing during the last season (about 240 musicians). If the stage is intended in priority to the confirmed musicians, she didn't exclude the young regional groups (1° parts, open stages, Class'Rock.) The "Grenier à Sons" is managed by an association independent with the M.J.C. he develops a project at a time social and artistic consistently to the national program some "Café Musics" (Ministry of the Culture) and writes down in a dynamics of professional networks (Orques-Idées, Printemps de Bourges, etc,). In 1996, the "Grenier à Sons" rejoined the 110 accept stages of musics present with the Direction of the Music and of the Dance. He is accepted by the Funds of support" Chanson Jazz Variétés " and represents the Vaucluse within the regional antenna of Printemps de Bourges.